Saturday (Anticipated)

Belaire Cove Chapel – 4 p.m.
Sacred Heart – 4 p.m.


Sacred Heart – 7 a.m.

10 a.m.

5 p.m.


Sacred Heart
Monday-Friday – 6:30 a.m.
Saturday – 8 a.m.


Sundays & Weekdays

30 minutes before Masses

Saturdays 2:30-3:45 p.m.
30 minutes before all weekday Masses

Devotions at Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart Parish has several devotions that take place each week in church.

  • The Holy Rosary is prayed every Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. for the intentions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for peace in our world & families.
  • The Holy Rosary is prayed each Tuesday morning at 9 a.m.
  • The Pro-Life Rosary is prayed each Wednesday morning at 6 a.m.
  • The Pro-Life Rosary is prayed on the first Saturday of each month after 8:00 a.m. Mass. 
  • The Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed each Thursday morning at 6:10 a.m.
  • Thursday before the first Friday of each month a Eucharistic Holy Hour with Exposition of Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
  • The litany of the Sacred Heart is prayed each First Friday after Holy Mass at 6:30am.


Here you will find the most recent bulletin as well as bulletin archives. All bulletins are published in Adobe Reader Format.

Click Here for Bulletins

Religious Education

Coordinator of Religious Education: Tiffany Tate    (To send an e-mail, click her name.)


The Formation and Catechesis of all Catholics is a very important and serious duty. We strive to help all of our parishioners in increasing their knowledge of the Catholic Faith in order to more fully live it. We assist especially in the preparation of all who will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage. Opportunities are provided for on-going catechesis and education within the life of the parish through Parish Missions, Adult Education Classes, etc.  

The Religious Education Program (CCD) for our youth at both Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady, Queen of All Saints Parishes is comprised of two sections: 1) the elementary program for grades First to Eight and 2) and the Confirmation program for grades Nine to Eleven.



2019-2020 Registration Form for Grades 1-8

2019-2020 Registration Form for 2nd Grade (First Holy Communion Program)

2019-2020 Registration Form for Grades 9-11 (Confirmation Program)

Note: Registration for grades 9-11 (Confirmation Program) must include copy of Baptismal certificate

2019-2020 SCHEDULE:

CCD Elem Schedule (Grades 1-8)

CCD HS Schedule (Grades 9-11)



Our elementary program strives to incorporate the concept of the value of parents being the first and most important teachers of the faith in the lives of their children. Our program is essentially an “at home” program where parents (or another family member) teach children at home using textbooks and study guides provided by the Parish, and the children are interviewed monthly on their knowledge of the material.

Over the course of approximately 8 months [from September through April], the CCD students and their parents meet once per month with our CCD team in the Hall at the Family Life Center of Our Lady, Queen of All Saints, where the parents listen to a speaker. At the same time, the CCD team tests the students on their progress in the learning of the material. The sessions begin at 6:00 pm and end around 7:00 pm.


Our program uses the Faith and Life series in grades One through Eight.

Starting with First Grade, the children are taught about how special they are to God, their families and themselves.

Grade 1: Our Heavenly Father

Introduction to the Holy Trinity through presentations on God the Father, the life of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God’s plan of salvation and our part in that plan. Acquaints children with Mary, angels, and the saints. Children learn basic prayers.

• Ch. 1-8: The Old Testament, God our Creator; our home in Heaven lost through original sin; the world prepares for the Savior.
• Ch. 9-21: The Incarnation, life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus.
• Ch. 22-28: The Holy Spirit, the Church, and Mary our mother.

To introduce first-grade students to the Church’s faith regarding the Triune God, the life of Jesus, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the life of prayer, with a special emphasis on growing to know, love, and trust God.

Grade 2: Jesus Our Life

Preparation for the first reception of the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion, with the law of God and salvation history as background. The lesson emphasizes God’s mercy and love. Covers Creation, the Covenant with Moses, the Ten Commandments, Redemption, Forgiveness of Sins, and the Mass.

• Ch. 1-16: God teaches us through his law; we obey through love
• Ch. 17-23: We find forgiveness of sins through Jesus’ sacrifice.
• Ch. 24-34: We prepare for life in Heaven by reception of Jesus in the Eucharist and our life in the Church.

To prepare second-grade students for the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion, and to help them appreciate God’s love for them shown in these two sacraments. Students will learn how to receive the Sacrament of Confession, the order of the Mass, and the basics of prayer.

Grade 3: Our Life with Jesus

God’s plan of salvation, from creation to the Incarnation and Redemption to the birth of the Church at Pentecost and our life in the Church. Special emphasis on the importance of Confession, Communion and the Mass.

• Ch. 1-7: The Old Testament Covenant with God.
• Ch. 8-14: Obedience through love of God and his laws. In Confession we meet Jesus in his mercy.
• Ch. 15-25: The life of Jesus and the Sacrifice of the Mass.
• Ch. 26-30: Our part in the Church born of the Holy Spirit; our relationship with Mary and the Communion of Saints.

To show third-grade students that they belong to God’s chosen people and that the child’s family is an important part of God’s family, the Church. Also, to encourage prayer and love for God’s law.

Grade 4: Jesus Our Guide

Theme God’s plan to save his people from sin (Salvation History), how we participate in that plan, and the many ways God helps us in our pilgrimage on earth to Heaven through his word, his law, and his Church.

B.C. Before Christ
Ch. 1-14: The fall and the first murder. The sin and suffering of mankind. God chooses his people and their leaders
A.D. In the Year of Our Lord
Ch. 15-30: History changes when Jesus the King comes. Through grace, especially in the sacraments, we receive the strength to do good.

To help fourth-grade students understand their purpose and goal in life, and to see God’s plan in history and society to lead us all to Heaven, our true, eternal home.

Grade 5: Credo: I Believe

A thorough study of the articles of the Creed as the basic belief of our Catholic faith, with a special emphasis on careful understanding of definitions through the words of the Gospels, and the prophets, and the prayers of the Church.

Unit 1: God the Father of All. The Old Testament and mankind’s participation in and loss of God’s life
Unit 2: God the Son, the Redeemer. The fulfillment of God’s plan in Christ, God and Man.
Unit 3: God, the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier. Our call to holiness and witness in the Church.

To help fifth-grade students acquire a solid knowledge of God and his Church through the understanding of the Creed we profess, and the distinguished truths of our faith from errors that lead away from the love of God.

Grade 6: Following Christ

The blueprint for a life of love: the law of God, especially in the Ten Commandments, and the presence of Jesus in the Holy Mass. The interaction of the challenges of God’s law and his gifts of grace that help us fulfill his law.

Part 1: The Ten Commandments. Forming the conscience and increasing closeness to God
Part 2: The Holy Mass. An emphasis on the Real Presence and Christ’s sacrifice and explanation of the parts of the Mass
Part 3: The Last Things. Death and God’s judgment of us, with an emphasis on the great happiness of Heaven.

To help sixth-grade students learn to love the moral law as Christ did and to cherish and love the Mass as our best prayer to God, and especially to revere and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Grade 7: The Life of Grace

Grace as our link with God, his gift to us to bring us to Himself and his eternal life, with an emphasis on transmission of grace through the seven sacraments and on God’s loving gifts of revelation, of himself through the prophets, the Incarnation, and the Church. The role of grace in developing the virtues.

Part 1: God Reveals Himself. The revelation of God through creation, the prophets, and to the chosen people.
Part 2: God becomes Man. Jesus, true God and true Man, Priest and Sacrifice.
Part 3:God Shares His Life. The operation of grace in our lives, in developing the virtues especially through each sacrament.

To help seventh-grade students treasure the sacraments as indispensable to a full Christian life of love and truth. To understand how grace works and its relation to practicing the virtues, and to appreciate our gifts of reason and faith.

Grade 8: Our Life in the Church

The history of the Church — its founding by Christ, its birth in the Holy Spirit, the marks of the one, true Church, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the saints and the role of the religious and laity up to the present. The structure of the Church Jesus planned, the role of the Magisterium, the clergy, the religious and the laity and our own vocations.

Part 1: The Church. Christ’s plan for the Church’s structure and its necessary attributes; the Church’s teaching authority. The early Church: Martyrs, Fathers, Saints and Mary.
Part 2: The Christian in the World. Religious and laity, Holy Orders, Marriage, and family life; call to holiness.
Part 3: The Last Things. Death, Judgment, the end of the world.

To help eighth-grade students know and love the Church as Christ’s Body, and respond to the teaching of the Magisterium as the sure voice of Jesus, so that young people may be strengthened through their lives in the Church to face the confusion and secularism of modern-day society.

Our goal is for our students to know the Word of God, the life of Christ Jesus, the Holy Catholic Church and and to grow in the understanding of how important prayer is in our life.



The Confirmation Program is comprised of grades Nine through Eleven.

Over the course of approximately 8 months [from September through April], students in the Confirmation Program meet twice per month with our Confirmation team in the Hall at the Family Life Center of Our Lady, Queen of All Saints. The sessions begin at 6:00 pm and end at 7:30 pm.

The requirements for receiving the Confirmation in the 11th grade include (each year, 9-11):

1. Regular attendance at the weekend Masses of these parishes (or another Catholic Church).

2. Attendance at all scheduled classes, special events, retreats and ceremonies. Absences must be excused before the scheduled class or event by the Pastor or DRE.

3. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament four hours per year (two times as a class and two other times with a parent/guardian). All candidates must sign in or complete an Adoration form.

***Note: Confirmation Candidates who miss more than two classes, Sunday Masses, or do not complete the other requirements each year without a valid reason (serious illness) determined by the DRE WILL NOT REMAIN IN THE CONFIRMATION PROGRAM.


Our Confirmation Program uses the Chosen Program.

Chosen is a 24-lesson program to prepare students intellectually and spiritually to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. This program both catechizes and challenges teens to fully embrace a life in Christ. Chosen is a dynamic learning experience centered around fully integrated video and workbook lessons. Guides for leaders, parents, and sponsors have been seamlessly incorporated. Chosen takes your teen on a comprehensive journey through all of the richness and vitality of the Catholic Faith.

Chosen Lesson Titles:

Lesson 1: “Why am I here?” (An Introduction to Chosen)

Lesson 2: “What makes me happy?” (Discovering God as the Source)

Lesson 3: “What’s your story, God?” (A Look at Salvation History)

Lesson 4: “How do I know God is real?” (Understanding Divine Revelation)

Lesson 5: “Who is Jesus?” (The Person and Mission of Christ)

Lesson 6: “Why be Catholic?” (Discovering the Church Jesus Founded)

Lesson 7: “Where am I going?” (A Look at the Four Last Things)

Lesson 8: “How do I get there?” (The Power and Purpose of the Sacraments)

Lesson 9: “When did my journey begin?” (Baptism, Your Initiation into God’s Family)

Lesson 10: “Why tell my sins to a priest?” (The Healing Power of Confession)

Lesson 11: “How does God help when it hurts?” (Anointing of the Sick and Redemptive Suffering)

Lesson 12: “Who is the Holy Spirit?” (Meeting the Third Person of the Trinity)

Lesson 13: “What does the Holy Spirit do for me?” (Gifts for the Journey)

Lesson 14: “Why have I been Chosen?” (Sealed and Sent in Confirmation)

Lesson 15: “Why do I have to go to Mass?” (Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist)

Lesson 16: “What does it mean to say, ‘I do’?” (Marriage, a Sign of God’s Love)

Lesson 17: “Who’s calling?” (Holy Orders and Vocational Discernment)

Lesson 18: “Are you talking to me?” (Getting to Know God Through Prayer)

Lesson 19: “Who is Mary?” (Meeting the Mother of God – and Your Heavenly Family)

Lesson 20: “What would Jesus do?” (The Beatitudes as a Path to True Happiness)

Lesson 21: “Do I have what it takes?” (Building Virtue – Your Spiritual Workout)

Lesson 22: “Why wait?” (God’s Plan for Love and Sex)

Lesson 23: “How do I build the kingdom?” (Saying “Yes” to the Mission of Christ and His Church)

Lesson 24: “Where do I go from here?” (The Journey Continues)

Parishioner Registration

We have mailed out census forms to all of our registered parishioners.

Please fill out the form and return it to the rectory! You can mail it, drop it in the collection basket, drop it off at the rectory, email or fax it.

If you receive more than one mailing, please let us know so we can consolidate the information.

If you did not receive one in the mail, then you are not registered with us or we do not have your current mailing address.

Forms are available at the doors of the church, in the church office or just click on the link below!

Click here to download our Parishioner Registration form! 


What’s Happening Around the Diocese?

+ Divorce Recovery – Are you or someone you know suffering or has suffered from the breakdown of their marriage and family? Our Lady of Fatima Church will provide a 12 week series of the Catholic Divorce Support program. Topics that will be discussed are shock, denial, anger, grief, forgiveness, money, dating, remarriage, and so much more. For more information, please contact our facilitator Greg Broussard at 337-412-0349.

+ Natural Family Planning classes: Please contact Leslie Johnson to sign up at or (337)331-5598.

+ New Life Pregnancy Center: Support the Center, buy a yard sign and help advertise the Center! Signs are $10.00 each — 100% goes to support the Center
Your generous donation will help the most helpless in our society, the unborn. Help us lighten the burden of an unexpected pregnancy.
(337) 468-2312
P.O. Box 194, Mamou, LA 70554

Religious Education Program

If you have any questions or concerns regarding CCD, please contact the Director of Religious Education: Tiffany Tate Alfred  Phone: 363.5167  Email:

Click on the link below to download the CCD registration form:

+ Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

+ 2nd Grade/First Communion

+ Grades 9, 10, 11/Confirmation


Parish Announcements

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Announcements

+ Church Office Hours:

8:00am -4:00pm Monday – Thursday

8:00am – 12:00 noon on Fridays

(closed 12:00-1:00pm for lunch)  


Sacred Heart Church now has a Venmo account!

You can easily make your donations using your phone anytime and anywhere!

Just scan the QR code below!






Then put how much you want to donate. In the comment section, you can specify what the donation is for (Ex: 1st collection, 2nd collection, ACTS, etc.). You can also put your envelope number in the comment section.

If you have any questions, please call the office!

Parishioners For Life

Parishioners For Life—Motivating Members to Help End Abortion

From Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

“But I feel a great destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself. And we read in the scripture, for God says very clearly. “Even if a mother could forget her child, I will not forget you. I have carved you in the palm of My Hand.” We are carved in the palm of His Hand; so close to Him, that unborn child has been carved in the Hand of God. And that is what strikes me most, the beginning of that sentence, that even a mother could forget something impossible—but even if she could forget — “I will not forget you.” And today the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are standing here—our parents wanted us. We would not be here if our parents would do that to us.” – Lecture upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Oslo, Norway, Dec. 11, 1979

Resource Recommendations

The following are resource recommendations from the Diocese Office of Marriage & Family Life:

Divorce & Annulment:

+Catholic Divorce Survival Guide:

+Office of Tribunal:

+Beginning Experience:


+ Red Bird Ministries:  Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic grief support ministry that focuses on couples who have experienced the loss of a child of any age by loving them through their loss. Our goal is to help couples living this nightmare to not just survive their loss, but to love them through it by sharing our own experiences and healings, in hopes of helping them to survive and thrive in their marriages and in life. Please contact Kelly Breaux at (337) 223-2019 or at for more information. Visit our website at

+ A Catholic Journey Through Grief:

+ Companions Along the Journey (support group, Scott area): (337)654-8917

+ Grief Share (support group, Broussard area): (337)837-1864

+ LA Grief Support Group (New Iberia area): (337)367-8003

+ St. Monica’s Society (support group for widowed women, Lafayette area): (337)235-0465

+ Healing House (Hope for Grieving Children):; (337)234-0443

+ Hospice of Acadiana (support group): (337)232-1234



+ USCCB webpage on infertility:


Marriage Enrichment:

+ World Wide Marriage Encounter:

+ For Your Marriage:

Mental Illness:

+ National Alliance for the Mentally Ill:

Pregnancy & Infant Loss:





Struggling Marriages:

+ Retrouvaille Weekend: A program for troubled marriages. The weekend provides a safe setting; encouraging couples to learn communication in marriage in a respectful manner. Visit the website for more information and to register

+ Codependents Anonymous (a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop health relationships: (337)261-5607

Suicide Survivors:


+ Jacob Crouch Foundation:

+ American Association of Suicidology:

+ American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:

+ Suicide Awareness Voices of Education:

+ Yellow Ribbon Program (Prevention of Teen Suicide):