Liturgical Ministries
If you discern that God is calling you to serve Him in the Sacred Liturgy and would like to assist Sacred Heart Church in one of the following liturgical ministries, please contact the parish office.
Readers are commissioned to proclaim the various readings from Sacred Scripture and the Prayers of the Faithful during Mass. Readers must have a strong personal faith and good voice skills.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned to assist the Priest-celebrant in the distribution of Holy Communion as needed. Those who are interested in serving in this ministry should be confirmed Catholics in good standing, with a strong Eucharistic faith, who are willing to be trained in this important service. All Extraordinary Ministers are also commissioned to bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick and the homebound as needed.
Altar Servers
The practice of having young men assisting Priests when they celebrated the sacraments is centuries old. Originally, young men studied for the Holy Priesthood under the tutelage of an experienced Priest and learned how to offer the Holy Mass and celebrate the other sacraments by assisting him. Later, when seminaries were established and young men seeking Holy Orders were sent away for studies, other young men of the parish took the seminarians’ places in serving at the altar. Many of them would go on into the seminary and become Priests themselves. Sacred Heart has had altar boys from the start; today, young men continue to be invited to become part of this noble tradition. We also accept young women as altar servers.
Parish Choir
Those with musical talent who contribute to the Sacred Music of the Liturgy exercise a very important role of helping the People of God assembled for Mass to sing the praises of God.
Ushers serve Mass by helping to take the collection and prepare the gifts of bread and wine to be brought forward for the Offertory procession.